191 marathons fuelled by Synergy

Last year, Paul Minter ran over 8000 kilometres around the UK coastline! For over 218 days, Paul ran to raise awareness and funds for mental health. This took him through the United Kingdom coastline with the goal of running 191 marathons in 214 days, which came to an end on the 1st of October 2022. 

Synergy x Impact Foundation

In Synergy, together with Impact Foundation, we were supporting Paul through his journey, making sure he had a constant supply of the best sports supplements. This great achievement had many challenges, including fuelling Paul’s body to run many kilometres through 169 running days, and even more important than that, help him recover on his 45 rest days. His runs and recoveries were fuelled by ProArgi-9+, FL-3X, Vitamin D3, E9, and Biome DT.

Impact Foundation donated 10.000 USD to “Head Up”, the charity Paul Minter co-founded and was running to get funds for. Supporting good causes and specially our Team Members is always a top priority for us, so we have been closely watching and supporting Paul achieve this impressive accomplishment in favour of mental health. 

Paul Minter was headline on many newspapers and TV programmes for his great challenge. Check out this feature on The Times, and BBC News



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