Head Up: Running for mental health

5,000 miles, a world record, and a goal to raise awareness and funds for mental health. Over several years, the importance of support and focus on mental health has become more and more prevalent. In Synergy WorldWide we are proud to be partnering and sponsoring Paul Minter as he is running along the UK coast to raise awareness and funds for this important cause. 

Paul Minter is a military veteran who has served 18 years in the British Army, now working on promoting mental health awareness for the UK Armed Forces with the help of three other veterans. After developing PTSD due to his work on the front line and losing some of his military friends to suicide, he decided to found Head Up, to help as many military women and men as possible. 

Impact Foundation 
We are proud to sponsor with our products and collaborate with Impact Foundation to support Paul on this quest. Would you like to contribute to this great cause? Follow this link and help us support Paul Minter. 

Impact Foundation, together with Synergy, will top your donations up to 10.000 US dollars! If you want to support the cause but can’t give a monetary donation there are still ways you can participate. Share this great project on social media, tell your friends and family about it, and not only about the project, but the importance of mental health. Let’s focus on mental health during March and raise awareness on the matter. 

Head Up
Head Up is a non-profit organization aiming to build “The Retreat”, a non-militarised accommodation where military staff (both serving and veterans) can go to deal with mental health difficulties. They want to make this retreat free of charge, allowing anyone, in any situation, to be able to take advantage of this opportunity. This will not only be a 7-day relaxing experience, but it includes an 18-month aftercare package, to ensure the safety and health of the users. 



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